Selected publications: 2016
Kleber, J. & Dickert, S. (2016). 1 ≠ 1. Die variable Wirkung von Zahlen im Spendenkontext [1≠1. The ambiguous effect of numbers in donation contexts.] In N. Potysch & M. Bauer (Eds.), Deutungsspielräume. Mehrdeutigkeit als kulturelles Phänomen (pp. 175-191). Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Kleber, J., Florack, A., & Chladek, A. (2016). The moderating role of numeracy in cause-related marketing. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 33, 153-161.
Dickert S., Kleber J., Västfjäll D., & Slovic P. (2016). Mental imagery, impact, and affect: A mediation model for charitable giving. PLoS ONE 11(2): e0148274.
Dickert, S., Västfjäll, D., Kleber, J., & Slovic, P. (2015). Scope Insensitivity: The limits of intuitive valuation of human lives in public policy. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 4(3), 248–255.
Betsch, T., Lindow, S., Engel, C., Ulshöfer, C., & Kleber, J. (2015). Has the world changed?: My neighbor might know effects of social context on routine deviation. Has the world changed? Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 28, 50-66
Florack, A., Kleber, J., Busch, R., & Stöhr, D. (2014). Detaching the ties of ownership: The effects of hand washing on the exchange of endowed products. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 24, 284-289.
Kleber, J., Dickert, S., Peters, E., & Florack, A. (2013). Same numbers, different meanings: How numeracy influences the importance of numbers for pro-social behavior. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 699-705.
Kleber, J., Dickert, S., & Betsch, T. (2013). The influence of differential focus on the endowment effect in risky objects. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 72, 159-164.
Dickert, S., Västfjäll, D., Kleber, J., & Slovic, P. (2012). Valuations of human lives: Normative expectations and psychological mechanisms of (ir)rationality. Synthese, 189, 95-105.
Betsch, T., Lindow, S., Engel, C., Ulshöfer, C., & Kleber, J. (2015). Has the world changed? My neighbor might know: Effects of social context on routine deviation. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 28, 50-66.
Dickert, S., Kleber, J., Peters, E., & Slovic, P. (2011). Numeric ability as a precursor to pro-social behavior: The impact of numeracy and presentation format on the cognitive mechanisms underlying donations. Judgment and Decision Making, 6, 638-650.
Lindow, S., Fuchs, H. M., Fürstenberg, A., Kleber, J., Schweppe, J., & Rummer, R. (2011). On the robustness of the modality effect: Attempting to replicate a basic finding. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 25(4), 231–243.
Honekopp, J., & Kleber, J. (2008). Sometimes the impact factor outshines the H index. Retrovirology, 5(88).