Alps-Adria-University Klagenfurt — Psychology Institute — Universitaetsstrasse 65-67 — 9020 Klagenfurt/Austria — Phone: +43 (0) 463 2700 0

Senior Scientist Priv.-Doz.Mag.Dr. Ingrid Koller

Psychological Diagnostics

Office: I.2.33a
Phone: +43 (0) 463 2700 1617
Mail: ingrid.koller [@]
Office hours: Dienstags nach Vereinbarung per Mail
Further details

Selected publications:

Koller, I., Maier, M. J., & Hatzinger, R (2015). An Empirical Power Analysis of Quasi-Exact Tests for the Rasch Model: Measurement Invariance in Small Samples. Methodology, 11, 45-55.

Koller, I., & Lamm, C. (2015). Item Response Model Investigation of the SPF-IRI Empathy Questionnaire and Implications for Group Differences. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 31, 211-221.

Koller, I., Wiedermann, W., & Glück, J. (2015). Item response models for dependent data: quasi-exact tests for the investigation of some pre-conditions for measuring change. In M. Stemmler, A. von Eye, & W. Wiedermann (Eds.), Dependent data in social sciences research: forms, issues, and methods of analysis (pp. 263 – 280). Switzerland: Springer.

Koller, I., Alexandrowicz, R., & Hatzinger, R. (2012). Das Rasch Modell in der Praxis: Eine Einführung mit eRm. Vienna: UTB, Facultas.wuv.