Research topics: Rasch-Model; LLTM; Likelihood Ratio Test; Structural Equation Models; Diffusion Model Selected publications: Morawetz, C., Alexandrowicz, R.W. & Heekeren, H.R. (2017). Successful Emotion Regulation Is Predicted by Amygdala Acitivity and Aspects of Personality: A Latent Variable Approach, Emotion, 17, 421–441.
Alexandrowicz, R. W., Jahn, R., Friedrich, F., & Unger, A. (2016) The Importance of Statistical Modelling in Clinical Research: Comparing Multidimensional Rasch-, Structural Equation and Linear Regression Models for Analyzing the Depression of Relatives of Psychiatric Patients. Neuropsychiatrie, 30, 92–102.
Alexandrowicz, R. W. (2016) The Rasch Model From an Individual’s Perspective: Utilization of Person Parameters for Model Tests. Journal of Person Oriented Research, 2, 87–101.
Alexandrowicz, R. W., & Draxler, C. (2016). Testing the Rasch model with the conditional likelihood ratio test: sample size requirements and bootstrap algorithms.
Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications, 3:2, 1–25. [PDF]
Draxler, C., & Alexandrowicz, R. W. (2015). Sample size determination within the scope of Conditional Maximum Likelihood estimation with special focus on testing the Rasch Model. Psychometrika, 80, 897–919. [PDF]
Alexandrowicz R. W. (2015). Analyzing Dyadic Data with IRT Models. In: M. Stemmler, A. von Eye, & W. Wiedermann (Eds.) Dependent data in social sciences research: Forms, issues, and methods of analysis. (pp. 173–202). Berlin: Springer.
Alexandrowicz, R. W., Friedrich, F., Jahn, R. & Soulier, N. (2015). Using Rasch-Models to Compare the 30-, 20-, and 12-Items Version of the General Health Questionnaire Taking Four Recoding Schemes Into Account. Neuropsychiatrie, 29, 179–191.
Alexandrowicz, R. W., König, D., Unger, A., Klug, G., Soulier, N., Freidl, M. & Friedrich, F. (2015). Die Depressivität von Müttern und Vätern von Schizophrenie-Kranken. Psychiatrische Praxis, 43, 213–218
Alexandrowicz, R. W., Fritzsche, S. & Keller, F. (2014). Die Anwendbarkeit des BDI-II in klinischen und nicht-klinischen Populationen aus psychometrischer Sicht. Eine vergleichende Analyse mit dem Rasch-Modell. Neuropsychiatrie 28, 63–73
Alexandrowicz R. W. (2014). Quantitative Methoden in der Psychologie. In: R. W. Alexandrowicz, T.-C. Gablonski & J. Glück (Hrsg.), Psychologie kompakt. Grundlagen und Forschungsperspektiven. (S. 117–142). Wien: facultas wuv.
Alexandrowicz, R. W. (2013). R in 10 Schritten. Einführung in die statistische Programmierumgebung. Wien: facultas.wuv/UTB
Alexandrowicz, R. (2012). GANZ RASCH: A free software for categorical data analysis.
Social Science Computer Review, 30, 369–379
Koller, I., Alexandrowicz, R. W. & Hatzinger, R. (2012). Das Rasch Modell in der Praxis. Wien: UTB.
Alexandrowicz, R. (2011). Statistical and practical significance of the Likelihood Ratio Test of the Linear Logistic Test Model versus the Rasch Model. >Educational Research and Evaluation: An International Journal on Theory and Practice, 17, 335–350
Wiedermann, W.T. & Alexandrowicz, R.W. (2011). A modified normal scores test for paired data.
Methodology, 7, 25–38
Alexandrowicz, R.W. (2009). A note on the sampling distribution of the Likelihood Ratio Test in the context of the Linear Logistic Test Model. Austrian Journal of Statistics, 38, 221–230.
Alexandrowicz R. & Matschinger H. (2008). Estimating Item Location Effects by Means of a Generalized Logistic Regression Model. Psychology Science Quaterly, 50, 64–74.
Alexandrowicz, R., Weiss, M., Marquart, B. & Wancata, J. (2008). Zur Validität zweistufigen Screenings am Beispiel Depressionsscreening. Psychiatrische Praxis 35, 265–314.
Alexandrowicz, R.(2008). Wieviel ist „ein bisserl“? Ein neuer Zugang zum BIC im Rahmen von Latent Class Analysen. In J. Reinecke & Ch. Tarnai (Hrsg.), Klassifikationsanalyse in Theorie und Anwendung. Münster: Waxmann. S. 141–165. |