© ASI - Klagenfurt University

Academic Software Initiative


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Germany: ASK - Akademische Software-Kooperation

E-Mail: easa@ask.uni-karlsruhe.de

United Kingdom: ALT - Association for Learning Technology and NCET National Council for Educational Technology

WWW: http://info.ox.ac.uk/cti/others.html
E-Mail: alt@vax.ox.ac.uk

Scandinavia: CRUE/HGUR - Council for the Renewal of Undergraduate Education

WWW: http://www.hgur.se
E-Mail: bengt.kjollerstrom@teorfys.lu.se

Spain: GATE - Educational Technology Office

WWW: http://www.gate.upm.es
E-Mail: raquel.portaencasa@gate.upm.es

The Netherlands: iec ProGAMMA - Interuniversity Expertise Centre (Social and Behavioural Sciences)

WWW: http://www.gamma.rug.nl
E-Mail: gamma.post@gamma.rug.nl

France and Switzerland: EASA-Switzerland

E-Mail: messagerie.easa@lettres.unine.ch