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Academic Network for Software in Education and Research

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Summary of the project proposal submitted in the EU Telematics Application Programme, Sector Information Engineering:

ANSWER addresses the needs of users like teachers/trainers, researchers, and developers in higher education, research centres and in R&D departments of enterprises by building, testing and validating a pilot application for an electronic marketplac e for academic software.

The users' needs for computer aidance in education and research tasks are not satisfied neither by the commercial software market nor by the existing shareware ressources. However, academic software, which is all software developed in or for institutions of higher education and research does fulfill these users' requirements. The marketplace for academic software to be introduced is different from the shareware market and from the commercial software market because it

The specific activities of the ANSWER project are The services envisaged by ANSWER, which are provided by an Internet-based network of dedicated servers, offer the users The overall aims of ANSWER are to