(c) ASI - Klagenfurt University



State of evaluation: finalist
Submission Category: student project
Discipline: engineering and mathematics
The program is mainly used in: Design and test of electronic digital systems

Virtual Instrumentation and Schematic Capture Program

The VISCP is an educational software that makes easier the design, understanding and test of basic digital circuits. It can be used in technical studies as help tool for the practical training of digi ital circuits.


Name: Rodriguez-Pardo
First Name: Loreto
Institution: Departamento de Tecnologia Electronica
Street: E.T.S.I. Industriales, Apdo. Oficial Universidad
Zip-Code: E-36.200
City: Vigo
Country Spain
Phone: +34-86-812223
Fax: +34-86-469547
E-Mail: mjmoure@uvigo.es

Click here to see a screenshot

Hard- and software needed to run the program:

Computer type and processor: 386, 486 or Pentium PC compatible
Graphic device: SVGA 1024x768, 256 colours recommended
Harddisk space: 4 MB
Other harware needed: Data Adquisition Card (PC30AT of Amplicon LiveLine Ltd.)
Operating system and shell: Windows 3.1
Other software needed:
Remarks: The program is ready for working with the PC30AT. If this card is not available, the program uses fixed data sequences as data source for virtual instruments.