Przemyslaw Wielowiejski

  1.Biała , near  Łódż , grave 11. Iron sword ,  lenght  74  cm , tang  lenght 13 , blade

width 4.8. Found in 3  parts. The blade has a quadrangle section. Short tang with the ri-

vet. There is the a  circle ( 0.13 cm ) on the tang. The decoration remnant in upper part of the

blade: circle and 2 rectangles. The decoration probably shows glory wreath .

Analogous to this sword is a sword from Gać , from Lachmirowice and from Wesółki.

Biborski numbered them among V type.

Found with a spear blade , a J9 target handle. Dating on B2-C1b.


2.Gać, near Przemyśl .Iron sword , lenght 95 cm , tang  lenght 20 , blade

width 4,1. The blade has a almond shape section. The round , very short point. The decoration on the blade : a silhouette holding a target in left hand and  raising  the right one.Strong narrowing blade. Ritual bended 3 times.

Biborski numbered it among VI/3 type. Analogous to this sword is  a sword from Grabice

( grave 1) and from Lachmirowice( grave 30 ). This type is long and has a long tang. The relic from Gać represents a type of roman SPATHA swords. The silhouette on the blade interpretated as Mars.


3.Grabice , near Zielona Góra , found in the grave. Iron sword , lenght  90 cm , tang lenght 18 . Narrow blade The inscription NATALIS M on the blade.

Analogous to this sword is a sword from Gać ( number 3 ) and from Lachmirowice.

Biborski numbered them  among VI/3 type.

Dated on C1b. Found with a clasps type A42 , A96 and A196 types. A J9 type target

Handle , 2 knifes , 2 spurs. Probable dating on B2-C1b.


4.Krasusze-Gołowierzyny , near Bydgoszcz , grave 9. Iron sword, lenght 72 cm , tang

lenght 13, blade width 5,6 .Two times bended , 3 parts , narrowing blade . Two wide grooved

lines on the blade . Two inscriptions on the blade : VM  RO and ACT . The stamp on the tang .

Numbered by Biborski among IV type ( with swords from Opoka ( grave 75 ) and Lach-

-mirowice ( grave 17 ).This type has a long tang and slightly narrowing blade .

Found in 1937 with J9 type target handle , II/3 group cinerary urn , VI/2 type vase .Dated on B2 .    


5.Lachmirowice , near , Bydgoszcz , grave 9. Iron sword, lenght 75cm, tang lenght 12,5.

A short point , a hexagonal section. The palm branch motive on the blade . Numbered by Biborski among V/4 type with swords from Gać , Kamieńczyk , Kutno and Wesółki.

Dated on B2 phase.


6.Piaski , near Piotrków Trybunalski , grave 171 . Iron sword , lenght 75,5cm, tang lenght 11.5 , blade width 5.5 . Two times bended .A very coroded relic . The blade

has a quadrangle section . Two grooved lines on the blade . The decoration :the legion

eagle and the palmet.

Found with target parts ,a  spear blade and sherds. Dated on B2/C1-C1a.


7.Podlodów , near Zamość , grave found. Iron sword , lenght 87.5cm , tang lenght 14,

blade width6.2. The relic is very coroded . Found in 4 parts .A  short point , long and wide blade, a short tang . The decoration: Mars holding the spear and the target , Victory.

Analogous is a sword from Opoka ( grave 18 , dated on B2/C1a ).Found with 3 spear blades and 3 group spurs . Dated on C1a . Numbered by Biborski among VIII/3 type.


8.Rzeczyca Długa , near Tarnobrzeg . Iron sword , lenght 79cm , tang lenght 12.3 , blade width 4.8 . Narrow , short blade with a decoration: the legion eagle , Victory and

a sign X.

Analogous are  the swords from Smardewice and Sobótka. Difficult to date. Belongs to

Biborski’s VIII/5type ( B2/C1-C1b ). 



9.Starachowice , near Kielce , an unpublished relic  ,can be found in PTTK Museum in Starachowice.


10.Wesółki , near Kielce , grave 20. Iron sword , lenght 82.5cm , tang lenght 17 , blade

width 4.The relic is very coroded .  A narrowing blade turns into the tang ;the short point of the sword barely  recognizable. The blade has a hexagonal section . There is an ALLIUS  PA inscription.

Analogous to this sword is a sword from the same place ( grave 20a ) and from Wymysłowo ( grave 328 . Both swords dated on LL/B1-B1. Biborski numbered them among I/1 type.Probable dating on  the turn of LaTene period and  B1.

The sword represents an earlier type of roman SPATHA sword . The ALLIUS inscription 

interpreted as a name of a craftsman from Italy, probably of an etruscian origin.

The sword could have come with a route from Norricum through Czech Dale and middle Silesia.

Found with a J5 type target handle, a flame blade, cinerary urn of I group. Both complete vases and sherds found there ,too.


11.Żurawiczki , near Przemyśl ,Historical Museum of Lwów. Iron sword , lenght 77

cm , tang lenght13 , blade width  5.5 . The  wide blade has 6 grooved lines ;

a tang short widening at the base.

Numbered ( with the sword from Hromówka ) by Biborski among VIII/4 type.Dated on



12.The unknown place, near Kielce. Iron sword , lenght 90cm,tang lenght13 , blade width 5.8 An inscription on the blade : Mars and Victory . The point is very short.

4 grooving lines on the blade.

          This sword  and analogous from Krajanka , ,Kaplica , Cząskowice , Sobótka , Legnica . num-

           bered by Biborski among VII/2 type . A copper decoration of Mars silhouette simi-

           lar  to Mars Ultor sculpture in the Forum of August from 2 year B.C. Helmet of the god

  has a feather , the right hand holds a spear , the left lies on a target . Victory has the palm

branch and the wreath , she stands on the globe. A stamp on the tang –IVN  is interpreted as

nomen gentile IUN(IUS). Probably the sword belonged to a cavalier . Dated on B2-C1b.


13.The unknown place , near Poznań. In the Archeological Museum of Poznań .Iron sword ,

lenght 94.5 cm, tang lenght 11.5, blade 4.4 .  Narrow blade ,  short tang has a stamp. The blade is narrowing at the point .A decoration with Mars and Victory . Numbered by Biborski among

IX/3 type. Swords belonging to this type are the swords from Korenie, Spicymierz and Wólka Łasiecka. On the ground of the relics from Korenie, Spicymierz and Wólka Łasiecka   the sword could be dated on C1b/D.




 14.Krupice , near Białystok, grave 106, in the National Archeological Museum in Warsaw.

 An unpublished relic. A short sword , the blade with an almond section . The  swords of this

type were  used during I, II and III century.






1.  M.Biborski, Miecze z okresu wpływów rzymskich na obszarze kultury przeworskiej,

Materiały Archeologiczne XVIII, 1978, s.53-165.

The swords from the roman influence period on the territory of Przeworsk culture.


2.M.Biborski, Miecze obosieczne z  cmentarzysk kultury przeworskiej w Chmielowie              Piaskowym, woj. Kielce i Gaci, woj.Przemyśl w świetle analizy archeologicznej i badań

metaloznawczych, Sprawozdania Archeologiczne XXXIII  , 1982, s.99-133.

The double-edged swords from Przeworsk culture cemetries in Chmielów Piaskowy , Kielce

Province and in Gać, Przemyśl province onthe grounds of archeological analysis and metalo-



graphical studies.


3.M.Biborski, Zdobiona broń z cmentarzyska ciałopalnego z okresu wpływów rzymskich

z Gaci koło Przeworska, Materiały Archeologiczne XXIII, 1986, s.113-134.

Decorated weapon from the roman influence period cemetries from Gać near Przeworsk.


4.M.Biborski, P.Kaczanowski,J.Kędzierski, J.Stępiński, Metallographische Untersuchungen

als Kriterium einer Identifikation romischer Schwerter(w:)Ancient Iron Manufacture Centres

          In Northern Central Europe, Archeologia Interregionalis III, 1982, s. 65-98.


5.I.Dąbrowska, Grób kultury przeworskiej z miejscowości Krasusze-Gołowierzyny, powiat

Łuków, a niektóre zagadnienia chronologii, Wiadomości Archeologiczne XXXV,1970, s.77-


The Przeworsk culture grave from Krasusze-Gołowierzyny, Łóków district, with some

chronological problems.


6.I. i K.Dabrowscy, Cmentarzysko z okresu póżnolateńskiego i wpływów rzymskich w We-

sółkach, pow.Kalisz, 1967.

The cemetery from late L’atene period and roman influence period in Wesółki, Kalisz district.


7.K.Dąbrowski, J.Kolerndo,Z badań nad mieczami rzymskimi w Europie środkowej i północ-

nej, Archeologia Polski XII, 1967, s.383-426.

From the studies on roman swords in central and north Europe.


8.T.J.Horbacz, Miecz z przedstawieniami Marsa i Viktorii ze zbiorów PMA w Warszawie,

Wiadomości Archeologiczne LXI, 1976, s.281-291.

The swords with Mars and Victoria representations from the Nationanal Archeological

Museum in Warsaw.


9.T.J.Horbacz,M.Olędzki, Inkrustowany miecz rzymski z cmentarzyska kultury przeworskiej              

w Piaskach koło Bełchatowa na tle podobnych znalezisk z terenu Europy, Archeologia                                          PolskiXXX, 1985.

The incrusted roman sword from Przeworsk culture cemetery in Piaski near Bełchatów

Against a background of similar finds in Europe.


10.T.J.Horbacz, M.Olędzki, Studien uber inkrustierte romische Schwerter – mit besonderer

Berucksichtigung eines Neufundes aus dem Bereich der Przeworsk –Kultur in Piaski, Woi-

Wodschaft Piotrków Trybunalski, Hamburger Beitrage zur Archaologie12, 1985, s.147-192.


11.R.Jamka, Rzymski miecz z Rzeczycy Długiej w powiecie tarnobrzeskim, Sprawozdania

Polskiej Akademi Umiejętności XLII, 1937, s.269-272.

The roman sword from Rzeczyca Długa in Tarnobrzeg district.


12.J.Kolendo, Nowo odkryte napisy na dwóch mieczach rzymskich ze zbiorów PMA w

Warszawie, Wiadomości Archeologiczne XLVII, 1982,s.3-13.

Recently discovered inscriptions on the two roman swords from the National Archeological

Museum in Warsaw colection.


13.T.Makiewicz,Cmentarzysko z okresu rzymskiego w Białej, powiat Łódż, Prace i

Materiały Muzeum Archeologicznego i Etnograficznego w Łodzi, Seria   Archeologiczna 17,1970.

Roman period cemetery in Biała, Łódż district.


14.B.Zielonka, Cmentarzysko z okresu rzymskiego w Lachmirowicach w powiecie inowro-

cławskim, Przegląd Archeologiczny IX, 1952, s.353-386.

The cemetery from the roman period in Lachmirowice, Inowrocław district.